by CLIPS | Oct 22, 2020 | Words of Wisdom
This is a deeply meaningful statement. We all know that to achieve this ultimate coherence, balance or harmonious state, we need to know who we are, why we are living our current life and where we are heading to. Have you found your harmony in life?
by CLIPS | Oct 7, 2020 | Camps / Workshop / Talks
Mr. Jin has successfully conducted a 1-Day “Character Building” workshop in collaboration with Young Aces Technical College. 14 students joined the session and it certainly opened up their eyes about one’s character and its effects on their life. The...
by CLIPS | Oct 7, 2020 | Camps / Workshop / Talks
Mr Jin recently conducted a three days workshop that helps participants gain better understanding on self-awareness, self-healing and self-confidence over more than 12 hours of group activities. Eight participants joined the program and through various meticulously...
by CLIPS | Oct 7, 2020 | Camps / Workshop / Talks
Mr. Jin has recently collaborated with Talento Academy, an operator of a chain of daycare and kindergartens in Klang Valley, for sharing on parenting styles with all its student’s parents. The talk was held over two days, one session was in Mandarin and another...
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